Sleep is the most important part of a child’s development, but too often parents only focus on what they can get done while their child is sleeping. Instead, they should be focused on making sure that their child is getting quality sleep. One very important component of the night-time experience is the type of bed that your child sleeps in; make sure your child’s sleeping materials are the best they can be and the rest area is a safe and comforting space.

The following highlights some of the best types of beds for children. Whether you are redecorating or just matching the new needs of a growing child to a new bed, these might help you choose the perfect bed for your child.

Toddler Beds

Obviously, toddler beds are marketed at the toddler age group, but many parents find that their children are able to stay in them up until age five or six. By the time your baby is a toddler you will know where they sit on the growth curve so you can probably guess whether or not this will be a good investment for you. Alternatively, you can move from the crib into a twin bed, but some children like the cozy feel of the smaller bed and it does allow for more floor space while a child is still actively playing on it.

Bunk Beds

Bunk beds are a great option for children that share a bedroom because they save space and allow kids to play on the top bunk which for some reason is always charming. They are also a great choice for children that have their own room because it automatically gives them a place for their buddies to sleep when they spend the night. Plus, they make it easy for a parent or an older sibling to sleep in the room if a nightmare occurs, to offer some extra comfort.

Trundle Bed

If you are looking for another space saving bed type but are not sure your children are old enough to handle the top bunk then you can look into a trundle bed. The trundle bed features a smaller bed that pulls out from under the first bed. Therefore, they are two beds stacked on top of each other essentially, but the bottom one rolls out. They are also a great space saver since you can push it in when not needed to save space.

Loft Beds

Finally, you can create loft space and the illusion of a top bunk for an only child with a loft bed. These are great for older kids because they can make cozy seats underneath the loft to relax in, and then lounge on the top when they are tired. Most have built in drawers as well allowing for more storage if necessary. Choose a loft bed with a theme if you have a younger kid and they will love you forever. After all, it’s a rare child indeed who doesn’t love a character themed bedroom.